“In business, success is not success until it’s environmentally sustainable.”
Romano Sghedoni, 1984
When corporate culture
has value over time
The goal of Kerakoll is to meet the needs of consumers thanks to new ideas and constant feedback from its associates. The human factor is indeed a key element in Kerakoll’s corporate culture. The Group’s shared belief is that only by developing corporate culture can value be created over time, retaking and enhancing the experience of the past, in order to constantly question oneself.
The concepts of research and innovation thus acquire value by coexisting with the recovery, preservation and full understanding of the company’s past.
The entrepreneurial philosophy of Kerakoll is therefore based on five corporate values that represent at the same time a way of being as much as of working.

All Kerakoll people have plenty of ideas and possess spirit of initiative; they are creative people able to apply innovation and inventiveness in everything they do, as they are encouraged to evolve and are eager to experience everything new.
Unique and original innovations are born from this proactive ability, which is a Kerakoll fundamental characteristic.

All Kerakoll people are attentive and responsible; they act with loyalty and fairness in respect of consumers, colleagues and stakeholders, in order to promote a new development model, capable of pursuing economic growth, well-being, quality of life and respect for the environment.

All Kerakoll people are full of enthusiasm, and truly passionate about excellence and leadership. They are dynamic and quick to make decisions, flexible and able to adapt to changes.
Their goal is to improve every day, consolidating relationships with customers and main stakeholders.

All Kerakoll people have a young and flexible mentality; they are open, transparent and authentic. They love to work in a simple way, with humility, animated as they are by an entrepreneurial spirit; they are capable of finding solutions and to pursue them with determination, adopting a team-oriented approach.

In touch
All Kerakoll people are market-oriented; they are convinced that the best ideas come from the stakeholders, with whom it is crucial to be in constant contact in order to listen to their needs and turn them into answers and solutions, with the aim of achieving the best results.