Approval of the consolidated financial statement figures: revenue in 2021 amounting to € 603 million (+33.5% compared to 2020) and net profits of € 59.8 million (+36.2%).
Renewal of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors, confirmation of corporate positions.
Sassuolo, July 26th 2022 – Kerakoll, the Benefit Company international leader in the sustainable building sector, has presented its first “Impact Report” for the year 2021, on approval of the consolidated financial statement figures.
The “Impact Report” responds to the need to share with all stakeholders the results achieved in terms of sustainability and goals for next year, in line with the commitments made in October 2021, when Kerakoll became a Benefit Company.
The contents of the Report are divided into 9 aims of mutual benefit to the environment and to people: green building, product rating, innovative processes, strategic partnerships, scientific research, security, well-being of employees, growth processes and civic engagement, inserted by Kerakoll in its articles of association, for which the final results for the year just ended have been outlined, together with the goals for 2022.
“With this first Impact Report we want to set Kerakoll’s commitment to sustainable growth down in black and white”, declared Fabio Sghedoni, Vice Chairman of Kerakoll. “In 2021 we achieved excellent results thanks to the contribution of everybody at Kerakoll, and this makes us feel even more strongly our responsibility to them and to the communities in which we operate. Sustainability has always been our compass, a guide for our way of doing business: from today we are adding another piece to the puzzle to safeguard the future well-being of society and the environment”.
In 2021 the Kerakoll Group achieved total consolidated revenue of € 603.5 million, a marked increase with respect to 2020, when revenue was around € 452.1 million (+33.5%).
In 2021 Italy confirmed itself as the most significant market for Kerakoll, with € 405 million of revenue achieved during the year, in part thanks to the implementation of government measures to encourage construction (Superbonus 110%).
However, the Group also confirmed its vocation for internationalisation and growth on the main foreign markets, registering an increase in turnover in the Countries in which it has a direct presence with production facilities: foremost among these being India (+63%) followed by Spain (+23%), Greece (+22%), UK (+22%), France (+20%), Portugal (+18%), Poland (+18%) and Brazil (+14%).
In terms of profitability, the consolidated Gross Operating Margin (G.O.M.) recorded a significant increase, amounting to +44.2%, rising from € 77.4 million in 2020 to € 111.7 million in 2021.
The consolidated net result amounted to € 59.8 million in 2021, an increase of 36.2% compared to the € 43.9 million in the previous year.
The main economic indicators have also grown: the net ROE rose from 14.47% to 16.35% in 2021, while the ROI passed from 11.01% in 2020 to 14.36% in 2021.
“Growth in 2021 has been particularly satisfactory, both at national and international level”, commented Andrea Remotti, Kerakoll’s Chief Executive Officer. “Inauguration of the new factory in Portugal and above all transformation into a Benefit Company are the elements that have been the greatest features of a year that, once again, was better than the preceding one in terms of results. Our plan for 2022 is to continue to grow, guided as always by sustainability and in full awareness of the elements of uncertainty connected to current world political and economic scenarios.”
The Meeting of Shareholders for the parent company Kerakoll S.p.A. also nominated the new Board of Directors of the Company and the new Board of Auditors, with an eye to accompanying the Group’s growth process also as regards good governance.
The following are confirmed as members of the Board of Directors: Romano Sghedoni, also confirmed as Chairman, Fabio Sghedoni (confirmed as Vice Chairman), Emilia Sghedoni and Andrea Remotti (confirmed as Chief Executive Officer), while for the first time in the Company’s history an independent member has joined the Board: Umberto Nicodano, lawyer, partner at the BonelliErede Legal Firm. The BoD likewise confirmed Claudio Motta in his position as General Manager of the Company.
The members of the new Board of Statutory Auditors are: Alfredo Malguzzi (Chairman), Luca Damiani (Standing Auditor), Marcello Braglia (Standing Auditor).